初音ミクGTプロジェクトSUPER GT 参戦100戦記念

2008年に“ファンと共に走るレーシングチーム”としてはじまった初音ミクGTプロジェクトは、2021年7月に開催予定のSUPER GT 2021 第4戦に、SUPER GT GT300Class への参戦が100戦目を迎えます。
The Hatsune Miku GT Project, which began in 2008 as a "THE RACING TEAM DRIVEN BY FANS" will celebrate its 100th race in the SUPER GT GT300 Class at the SUPER GT 2021 Round 3 scheduled for May 2021.


  • エントラント代表:安藝 貴範
    Team Owner:Takanori Aki読む
  • 監督:片山 右京
    Team Manager:Ukyo Katayama読む
  • ドライバー:谷口 信輝
    Drivers:Nobuteru Taniguchi読む
  • ドライバー:片岡 龍也
    Drivers:Tatsuya Kataoka読む
  • チーフエンジニア:河野 高男
    Chief Engineer:Takao Kono読む
  • クリプトン・フューチャー・メディア 株式会社
    代表取締役 伊藤博之
    CEO:Hiroyuki Itoh

Racing Miku Supporters

  • 荒井つかさ
    Tsukasa Arai読む
  • 宮越愛恵
    Manae Miyakoshi読む
  • 月愛きらら
    Kirara Kagua読む
  • 青山明日香
    Asuka Aoyama読む





1/18 グッドスマイル 初音ミク AMG 2021 SUPER GT参戦100戦 Ver.
1/18 グッドスマイル 初音ミク AMG 2021 SUPER GT参戦100戦記念 Ver. GSCオンライン限定版
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レーシングミク 2021Ver. SUPER GT 参戦100戦記念シャンパングラス
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初音ミク GTプロジェクト SUPER GT参戦100戦記念 応援フラッグ
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初音ミク GTプロジェクト SUPER GT参戦100戦記念 グラスクロス
和真Pallet オンラインショップ



© KEI / redjuice / Yuichi Murakami / GAN / saitom / おぐち/ タイキ/ 米山舞/ Tony / かんざきひろ/ 杏仁豆腐/ LEN[A-7] / 森倉円/ CFM

Copyright © GOODSMILE RACING 公式応援サイト All rights reserved

グッドスマイル 初音ミク AMG及びレーシングミクに関する全ての権利はグッドスマイルレーシングに帰属しています。
グッドスマイル 初音ミクAMG及びレーシングミクを無断で利用すること(無断複製や商品化を含みますがこれに限定されません)は禁止されています。

エントラント代表:安藝 貴範
Team Owner:Takanori Aki









Congratulations to all of our Personal Sponsors for reaching 100 races in the Hatsune Miku GT Project! We would both like to both congratulate and compliment you on reaching 100 races.

In the beginning, this project was not started by us; we were only helping out. Later, the project moved forward and we became the core of the team management.

The reason we tried to continue to manage the team throughout the season was in part because we already had a lot of friends involved in the team, and, most importantly, it was because the fans showed strong support for the team. In that sense, I would like to say to the team, "Thank you for all your hard work over the years!" to the team, and congratulations to the fans!

I do not think of this team as my own team. I strongly feel that I worked togetehr with everyone, with the team, with my friends, to make the race what it was. I don't think it would have went on if it was just me, or just our ideas.

I am deeply thankful to have been able to continue for so long, to learn that victory brings out desire in you, and pleasure too, and that it also comes with hard things.

I would like to add that there is a lot of interest in what will happen now that we have passed 100 races, and I think everyone has high expectations. We are a team that has not changed, or rather, our team structure has not changed, but we will continue with the same basic structure, and we would like to keep the relationship between the customers and our team members as unchanged as possible. The world is changing, and we will work to keep up with it and offer more advanced races and leave strong impressions.

Involving the younger generation, and people who have had little interest in racing, will make the industry more exciting, and help us grow. We will do this with careful thinking and tireless work.

I would like to continue racing for a long time with those who have supported us up to this point and the new friends who are joining us. Don't worry, and stick with me until the end (laughs).

監督:片山 右京
Team Manager:Ukyo Katayama

初音ミクGTプロジェクトがSUPER GTに参戦して100戦目ということで、まずはおめでとうございます。






Congratulations on the 100th Super GT race for the Hatsune Miku GT Project.

I believe that there are many instances for which the 100th occurrence is celebrated, and reaching this milestone is not easy no matter what is being counted. Particularly in the field of motorsport, a lot of investment is required and there are risks of accidents. I believe that it quite tremendous to complete 100 races under these circumstances.

When we were talking as a team about how many cars we have driven, how many tires we have gone through, and how many kilometers we have run, Owner Aki muttered to himself, “I wonder how much this has cost...?” Of course, we were able to do this because of our personal sponsors and countless other people who have supported our project in various ways, and I think that only those who are able to persist in this manner are able to achieve 100 races. Our team was able to accomplish this. I think that the Hatsune Miku GT Project that was able to achieve this is truly amazing. Although the world keeps changing, the number of fans of Hatsune Miku continues to grow, and personal sponsors are unwavering in their support. I hope this continues so long that we can set a Guinness World Record, lol.

Looking back now, I think I am more glad than I am happy that I have been involved with this project. Had I not been involved, I would probably only have a superficial understanding of this project that is completely different, and I even think that my life may have ended up completely different and dull.

There have been times when I am too busy to meet up with the team frequently, but when I do meet with them for the first time in a while, I feel relieved. I think that the team, Miku-chan, all of the personal sponsors, and the project itself has become so deeply ingrained in me that it is part of me now.
I am truly thankful and I would like to offer my sincere congratulations again.

ドライバー:谷口 信輝
Drivers:Nobuteru Taniguchi

まずはおめでとうございます。初音ミクがSUPER GTに来てからもう100回目のレースになるんですね。



First of all, congratulations. It is already our 100th race since Hatsune Miku joined Super GT.

When the Hatsune Miku Team first arrived in 2008, it shocked me that such an amazing group entered the world of racing. However, I thought that I would have no involvement with these people, and it did not even cross my mind that there would even be a chance of me participating in the project 3 years later.

I joined this team in 2011, and we were able to become champions right away in our first year as a result of taking on this challenge with a new structure after changing the car, the tires, and the garage. Obviously, this was the first triumph for the team, but it was also my first series championship. Since then, we have become a really strong team that is in the hunt for the championship every year.

This is my 11th season with the team, and since I have had the chance to engage very closely with all of our personal sponsors and so-called otaku, I can not talk quite a bit about Hatsune Miku.

When I look back at our journey now that we are at this milestone of 100 races, what stands out is how amazing it is that Hatsune Miku has remained popular for so long. Today, Hatsune Miku is recognized and popular in various places around the world. Also, the number of people in the world who support our team through Hatsune Miku is growing. There are people who may know know about racing but have had the opportunity to know about our team and show interest. I think this is truly amazing.

I do not know how many more years I can race but I will give everything I have as long as I am a race car driver. Please continue to support our team.

ドライバー:片岡 龍也
Drivers:Tatsuya Kataoka

初音ミクGTプロジェクトのSUPER GT参戦100戦目おめでとうございます。


Congratulations on the 100th Super GT race for the Hatsune Miku GT Project.

It is hard to believe that this is already the 100th race. I still remember how this team’s first participation in a race in 2008 sent shock waves through the industry that, “An ITASHA adorned with an anime character has arrived!” When Driver Taniguchi first drove the Hatsune Miku car, I kept a distance, thinking to myself, “Ah, Driver Taniguchi ended up joining that faction...” However, I would end up driving that car the following year, and this is now my 10th season before I even realized it, lol.

Now, the Hatsune Miku Team is a popular team supported by legions of fans that has gained acceptance to the point where everybody who is familiar with racing knows about it. We then connected closely with our personal sponsors, whose strength we used to strengthen ourselves, and I believe that we added a completely new culture to the world of racing. At the beginning, I did not even imagine that these accomplishments would be possible.

Moving forward, I would like to do my best so that I myself can participate in this 100th race onboard the Hatsune Miku car.
I would like to continue to build excitement around this team together with our personal sponsors. Thank you in advance for your support moving forward.

チーフエンジニア:河野 高男
Chief Engineer:Takao Kono

初音ミクGTプロジェクトのSUPER GT参戦100戦本当におめでとうございます。






I would like to offer my heartfelt congratulations for the 100th Super GT race for the Hatsune Miku GT Project.
My first encounter with Hatsune Miku was at Suzuka in 2008, and this event left a lasting impression on me.
I was working as an engineer for a different team during this race, and I was watching the team from up close because I just so happened to be working in the adjacent pit. I remember that I was absolutely shocked at the time because I could not imagine a design involving a cute girl on a race car. Meanwhile, since my daughter was actually a fan of Hatsune Miku, I went to ask for a sticker for her during the pit walk, lol.
I ended up joining the team several years later and I am now fond of Miku-chan.

I joined this project in late 2010 through an invitation from Driver Taniguchi and have battled together with the team in over 80 of these 100 races. We were able to win a series championship in the first season after I joined. I am very happy and proud that I have been able to be part of 3 championships in total.
Every single year, there is a different artist producing a new Miku-chan, and the fans gather around. I would be delighted if I can continue to be a part of this team for more races moving forward.

クリプトン・フューチャー・メディア 株式会社
代表取締役 伊藤博之
CEO:Hiroyuki Itoh


I am very happy and proud that we are on the verge of our 100th race now that 13 years have passed since our first race in 2008.
This accomplishment was made possible thanks to the passion of our team and all of our supporters! I would like to offer my sincere congratulations for this accomplishment!
Thank you in advance for your continued support of our team!

Racing Miku Supporters
:Tsukasa Arai

Racing Miku Supporters
:Manae Miyakoshi

Racing Miku Supporters
:Kirara Kagua

Racing Miku Supporters
:Asuka Aoyama